23.05.2019: 6th scientific day of Gazel & Constances cohorts.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects.
Focus on the contribution of Constances to pharmaco-epidemiology and lifecourse studies on the developmental origin of health.
The year 2019 was special, as it marked the 30th anniversary of the Gazel cohort initiated in 1989, and saw the Constances cohort fully constituted, with more than 200,000 volunteers included.
Download the programme, and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects.
Focus on the contribution of Constances to pharmaco-epidemiology and lifecourse studies on the developmental origin of health.
The year 2019 was special, as it marked the 30th anniversary of the Gazel cohort initiated in 1989, and saw the Constances cohort fully constituted, with more than 200,000 volunteers included.
Download the programme, and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website.

16.05.2018: 5th scientific day of Gazel & Constances cohorts.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects.
Focus on the study of the genetic variability of the population with preliminary results of the Gazel cohort and the viewpoint of a genetic anthropologist; the power of the Constances-Sniiram/SNDS linkage for the study of the care trajectories of Constances volunteers.
Download the programme, and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website
Focus on the study of the genetic variability of the population with preliminary results of the Gazel cohort and the viewpoint of a genetic anthropologist; the power of the Constances-Sniiram/SNDS linkage for the study of the care trajectories of Constances volunteers.
Download the programme, and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website

11.05.2017: 4th scientific day of Gazel & Constances cohorts.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects.
Focus on the ethical, regulatory, technical and practical conditions of access to the cohorts' personal data.
Download the programme, and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects.
Focus on the ethical, regulatory, technical and practical conditions of access to the cohorts' personal data.
Download the programme, and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website.
19.05.2016: 3rd scientific day of Gazel & Constances cohorts.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects..
Focus on the social determinants of health inequalities with exposures of Lisa Berkman (Harvard) Paolo Vineis (Imperial College London), Hugo Westerlund (Université de Stockholm) et Maricio Avendano-Pabon (London School of Economics).
Download the programme , and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects..
Focus on the social determinants of health inequalities with exposures of Lisa Berkman (Harvard) Paolo Vineis (Imperial College London), Hugo Westerlund (Université de Stockholm) et Maricio Avendano-Pabon (London School of Economics).
Download the programme , and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website.
09.04.2015: 2nd scientific day of Gazel & Constances cohorts.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects..
Focus on the Access to data; public-private partnerships.
Download the programme, and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances Website.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects..
Focus on the Access to data; public-private partnerships.
Download the programme, and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances Website.
25.03.2014: 1st scientific day of Gazel & Constances cohorts.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects.
Focus on:
Download the programme , and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website.
Topics: Progress of these 2 cohorts and results of ongoing research projects.
Focus on:
Download the programme , and presentation slides of this scientific day on Constances website.